The Ultimate Staffing Calculator

The Ultimate Staffing Calculator below is recruitment software free to use. No registration required. We don't store your data either. At BrightMove, we understand how staffing companies make money. The tool is designed to answer the question, how much do recruiting agencies charge? Have fun and make some money!

Mobile Responsive Applicant Tracking System

The most customizable ATS on the planet

BrightMove is completely customizable. Let our recruitment software free you up to do what you do best - engage with your customers. We understand how recruitment agency make money. BrightMove is designed to fit your business.

No workarounds required.

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How much do recruiting agencies charge?

We understand how staffing companies make money. At BrightMove, we build recruitment tools and staffing software systems. This free calculator helps you to quickly determine the profitability of a placement, what funding requirements you'll have and when you'll break even. This is recruitment software free to use. No registration required and we don't store your data.

Funding Req: {{maxDebt * -1 | currency}}

Total Value: {{cashflow | currency}}

Interest: {{interestTotal | currency}}

Net Value: {{cashflow - interestTotal | currency}}

Staffing Deal Sheet

Week # Payroll Commission Invoice Cash In Cash Out Net Cash Cashflow Interest
{{r.week}} {{r.payroll | currency}} {{r.commission | currency}} {{r.invoice | currency}} {{r.cashIn | currency}} {{r.cashOut | currency}} {{r.netCash | currency}} {{r.cashflow | currency}} {{r.interest | currency}}
Totals {{payrollTotal | currency}} {{commissionTotal | currency}} {{invoiceTotal | currency}} {{cashInTotal | currency}} {{cashOutTotal | currency}} {{interestTotal | currency}}